2001 Gesso, oil wash, graphite, and pastel on paper, 223cm x 77cm
Reconnecting the female body to its sacred ancestor, the goddess, has
become a leitmotif in my work for the past decade.The work flowing from
this continuum is titled Post-Christian Alter Images (Alter instead of altar to
suggest alternative).The work, although influenced by sacred imagery, is not
about faith or religion but reflects a personal journey and feminist perspective.
I create a personal iconography that borrows from sacred art and applies
symbolist ideas to images that place the female body in relation to goddess.
And I like to ponder the question of how our interior landscape would have
been different if the pervading spiritual icon was a woman giving birth rather
than a man martyred on a cross.Would our relationship to the body have
been different and would misogyny have been able to cast its two thousand
year long shadow?