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Pilgrim Scene II

Ruhan Janse van Vuuren
TITLE: Pilgrim Scene II
MEDIUM: Patinated bronze on Sandstone
DIMENSIONS: 2200mm x 900mm x 900mm

In a sense, Janse van Vuuren is transforming this earthly desire of understanding into a portrait of being. We, as modern human beings, have more freedom than most to make of ourselves what we will, but on the other hand that puts a considerable burden on each of us as individuals to come up with a unique self to be. Janse van Vuuren is, indeed, coming up with a unique sense of viewing the self as a human being filled with the reality of a past and the possibility of a future in this collection. It essentially boils down to the idea that that which we house within ourselves becomes the foundation on which we build that which we define ourselves as. Until we can move through the rooms of our past with a compassionate questioning, we cannot understand who we are or where we are moving towards (as it is through understanding where we come from that we perceive who we are). Both our perfections and imperfections, be they remembered or real, create that which it is what we are – unique.

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