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Artist Books

Remembering the Treason Trial Book 2013

Breathe 2008

Breathe is based on the idea of a flip book. The animation is best viewed on the accompanying 34 second DVD.

The images are drawn by Kentridge with Indian ink on pages of a Russian encyclopedia published in 1953 ('A Village Encyclopedia').

These drawn paged were scanned on a flat bed scanner and imaged to film positives, which were exposed onto pre-sensitised litho plates and hand printed on a Takach direct litho press.

The title pages were letterpress printed on a Vandercook proofing press and printed on Cranes Natural White Wove 100% cotton paper.

The book is hand-printed and bound in an edition of 50 numbered books, 5 artist's proofs and 5 printer's proofs by The Artist Press, White River.

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