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A Solo Exhibition by Andre Prinsloo

Very few people, up to now, knew that I was (am) part of a twin. My sister left this life when we were three months old... leaving within me an eternal longing that is hard to explain logically.In a way this is a homage and recognition as to that part of our conjoined history and a yearning of a sibling relationship that could have been...

The other concept is the one of having an alter ego. Or the so-called Yin and Yang of our personalities. Most of us continuously have to battle with the negative side in us. It follows us like a shadow and adds to the rich scale of life. With too much Light we become frivolous and too Dark, we are heavy & depressed. It balances the scale of life...

More about the artist(s): www.art.co.za/andreprinsloo

Cell: 079 707 0508

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