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About The Artist

Artist Photo

Lance Friedlande is a Johannesburg based artist. He went to school at King Edwards and obtained a B.Com and B.A Honours at the University of Witwatersrand. He has painted and drawn since the age of 7.

He has also had the privilege of personal teaching from Kenneth Bakker, Bernadine Biden, Bill Ainslie and Greg Kerr.

Recent Exhibitions

  • Oliewenhuis Art Museum, Bloemfontein
  • artSPACE, Durban
  • Pretoria Art Museum

Collections include:

  • University of Pretoria
  • North-West University (Potchefstroom campus)
  • Pretoria Art Museum
  • Artist Statement

    General philosophy

    Miguel De Cervantes, author of Don Quixote, suggests that life is a journey and not a destination. The artist believes that art is a mirror of life.

    Each work is a pilgrimage that is made up of a multiplicity of problems and opportunities. Like life, it is the creation of challenges and the exploitation of moments that determines the outcome of the work. It is the solution of problems which is the creative element in the recipe.

    The process becomes an end in itself

    Faces and places

    These works look at the human condition and its relation to itself, others, and the South African landscape. Figures are deconstructed so that the element of chance can be manipulated. Each piece informs the next in an evolutionary progression of form.

    At some point in the works, a dialogue is established between the canvas and the artist and the work itself suggests opportunities and directions.

    The first priority is linear and tonal composition. Then colour temperature is used to exploit spatial possibilities.

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