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Artist Statement

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How do we live a significant life? This is the question that I am grappling with in my newest works. The works are a build up to an exhibition in September 2025 in Stellenbosch called ‘From clay to Spirit’.

The process of transformation from matter to that which stands above matter, fascinates me.

When we are just clay, the clay has to be worked into something for it to become the more. The process the clay goes through can look quite violent at times, but there is no way around it…in order to become the new, the old has to let go off. Even for a new Heaven and a new earth to be formed, old paradigms have to shift. The first shift is the one within the heart, and that is one of the greatest mysteries. Fire is needed for that.

What makes a significant life? Embracing the fire, and the transformation, so that the dust and the clay can become Spirit.

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