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About The Artist

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Artist CV


  • Hardus Koekemoer obtained a National diploma in Lighting, Sound and décor painting from the Technikon Pretoria in 1985. He also holds a B -Tech degree, an M -Tech degree on the subject of lighting design in an African context. Currently he is investigating the processes to start on a Doctors degree in a specialized art genre.
  • He is currently employed as a lecturer in lighting at the Tshwane University of Technology, and takes part in various solo and group art exhibitions in South Africa and Europe.
  • Hardus is also responsible for the lighting design of various productions, ranging from opera to drama, music and dance theatre. Since 1999, he was responsible for the various “Fire Dance” and “Fire Light” productions that took place in Pretoria and the Potchefstroom arts festivals.
  • He was responsible for the original indigenous theatre productions “Ancient Stars, War, Destiny” performed with great success during February 2000/2003 at the Breytenbach theatre. This production where performed for an ABSA bank function, and during the Aerospace 2000 conference as the main opening performance. Delegates attended this performance from 46 international countries, with Nelson Mandela as guest of honour.
  • During 2010 he did the lighting designs for Rivonia Trail, Brel in Brooklyn and La Traviata. This year he took part in various solo and group art exhibitions, and is currently the co-curator for the Trent art gallery at Brooklyn Theatre, Mandril Art @ NZG and soon for ART in WHITE, a new gallery in Cullinan.

    Theatre and festival events.

  • 1999 - DA Vinci closing ceremony. Pretoria Art Museum. “Fire dance”.
    Technical co-ordination. Concept designer of scenery, costumes and puppets. Design and execute lighting and fire effects.
  • 1999 - Centurion amphitheatre. “Fire dance”.
    Technical co-ordination. Concept designer of scenery, costumes and puppets. Design and execute lighting and fire effects.
  • 1999 - Potchefstroom Arts festival. “Fire Dance 2”.
  • 1999 - Capital Live Art Festival. Capital Theatre. ”Performance art”
  • 2000 - SAAF. and Augusta. “Airforce 80th birthday”.
    Perform Ancient Stars; “Flight” for 500 international guests.
  • 2001 – 2002. Ancient stars trilogy. Three performances in the Breytenbach theatre and performances on various outside venues.
  • 2003 – Shaka X. touring theatre production. Perform at various venues, Pretoria, Botswana and Spoornet State Theatre.


  • 1985 – 2003 Worked as a lighting technician and designer on various theatre and television productions.
  • Work as puppet, sets and props builder for little Marionette Company on various television productions and children programmes.
  • He acts as co-ordinator and designer for corporate functions, and was responsible for the set-up and running of the “Fantasy of light” shows, Pretoria Fountains 1998, NASREC 1999, and the Wild lights at Johannesburg Zoo project 2000 / 2001, Fires wild lights magic, 2002.

    Production highlights were:

  • Lost in the stars. -- Opera.
  • Summer festival. –- Ballet.
  • Die keiser. –- Drama.
  • De kleine man, verlore. -- Cabaret.
  • Siener in die suburbs -- Drama.

    Musical productions for:

  • Laurika Rauch.
  • Casper de Vries.
  • Jannie du Toit.
  • Nataniel.
  • Coenie de Villiers.
  • Alida White.
  • Elsabe Zietsman,
    In addition, numerous other South African artists, music, ballet, Opera, commercial, television, puppet and dance companies.


    As artist, he works with various mixed media, such as oils, encaustic wax, fire and smoke burns, and various enamel-based paints on canvas, metal, paper and wood.

    Hardus is producing sculptures as well, made of Cement and found materials. The use of cement and other non-traditional painting materials are also currently used on various paintings he made.

  • 1988. First group exhibition. – Verwoerdburg art gallery.
  • 1989 – 2008. Group and solo exhibitions mainly at Beuster-Orr art gallery, Centurion art gallery and State Theatre art gallery and various other galleries.
  • 1994 – 2003. Series of group and solo exhibitions in Belgium. Cities of Antwerp, Gent, Brussels, Leuven, Limburg and Megelen. Also various other galleries in Belgium and the Netherlands. To date about 25 art exhibitions in Europe in 5 years.
  • Currently involved with Bee Tree Gallery in Pretoria as artist consultant, and form part of the stable of artists represented by the gallery.

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